For this homework assignment, you will be collaborating with your team on a GitHub pages site. You will update this site with reflections during the course of the bootcamp. Today, everyone should contribute to the site. In the future, you should rotate so that one person each day is writing a reflection or summary on that day’s topic.
For today, you should interview and make a blog post about someone else on your team. Some questions you might think about…
- Where is your team member from?
- Where do they live?
- What is your favorite food? What is your least favorite food?
- What is one thing the two of you have in common (that isn’t the MSSE program)?
- Why did they choose the MSSE degree?
Be creative with your questions, these are only suggestions. Use your group’s blog site. Follow the instructions on the sample blog to make your first update and submit a pull request. Everyone will add a blog post about a team member today.
Turning this assignment in
In order to complete this assignment, you must:
- Interview and write a blog post about another group member. This post should be at least 250 words.
- Submit your blog post as a pull request to your team’s central blog repo.
- Review a teammate’s blog post. When you review, you should leave at least one comment.
- Have your blog post approved and merged to the main repo.
- Update the information in your personal assignment tracking repo.
- The pull request number (and link) of your completed blog post.
- The pull request number (and link) of the pull request you reviewed.
This assignment is worth 5% of your total grade. See the rubric for detailed grading.